REEF: Revitalization and Expansion of the Economy of Freeport Committee

About The REEF Committee

Hurricane Dorian and Covid-19 have overturned assumptions about Freeport’s economy. To prosper and grow in the future, we need to change the way we think today. The REEF Committee is a collaboration between the GBPA, Freeport’s major businesses, and now also anyone who has an interest in Freeport’s success. The REEF Committee’s intent is to produce an ACTION PLAN that includes immediate short-term steps to make it easier for businesses to recover and grow NOW, and larger-scale, longer-term projects aimed at transforming Freeport.

Provide Feedback on Our Proposals

REEF is presenting a set of ideas and proposals that will become actionable solutions for short, medium and long-term growth that are complementary to the Government of The Bahama’s plans to diversify the national economy.